About Me

The Three C's
Of Technology

     My name is Tom Walsh and I have been teaching for 19 years. I have been the technology teacher at Millbury Street School since the building opened 13 years ago and recently moved to Grafton High. I created this blog for two reason. The first reason was to open up a quick and easy way to help parents learn about what we do in computer class. I hope that as I continue to add to the blog  that parents and students will be able to use the information here as a resource and also look to the site see what's happening in our classroom. I also plan on using this platform as a tool within the classroom. My goal is to post lessons and instructional videos here that the kids will use on a regular basis to complete projects in class.

     I have been attempting to focus my efforts on developing what I see as three essential skills. They will be the three C's of my technology instruction. The first C is collaborations. I am working hard at building lessons that require students to collaborate. For example, my 6th grade students can earn extra credit for collaborating with students outside their assigned group. They simply fill out a collaboration certificate, have the individual they worked with sign it and turn it in to me for extra credit. Collaboration will also be a item in every rubric in the sixth grade. These skills are discussed at the beginning of the project and options for achieving student goals are presented. It is my belief that learning how to share your talents and communicate them effectively with others is a skill all students should practice.

     The second C is communication. Creating presentations has always been part of the technology curriculum but I believe that we need to do more than just teach the "clicks" of programs like PowerPoint. Students need to know how to effectively communicate their ideas using technology tools. We  learn to identify our audience, define our purpose and then choose the best tools to deliver our message. Student will create short commercials using still images, brochures, presentations, animations and videos to inform, persuade and entertain. As our student grow older the technologies will change but the communication skills will remain constant. It is my goal to help build the communication skills that will allow our kids to be successful as the adapt to the changing world around them.

The third and final C is creativity.  I see creativity as the most important skill for students in the 21st century.  Many students can recreate but those that can look at a problem and find new or innovative ways to approach the challenge will have an advantage.  " According to a recent Adobe creativity study, 88% of U.S. professionals believe that creativity should b built into the standard curricula. Companies are looking for more than graduates who can do specific tasks, they want employees who can think differently and innovate. To be successful, students need an education that stresses creative thinking, communication and teamwork. Creativity is not an option, it's an absolute necessity."1

Please feel free to contact me at anytime. The easiest way to get in touch with me is vis email. I can be reached at walsht@grafton.k12.ma.us.  Also, please follow me on Twitter  @MrWalsht


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